Saturday, April 29, 2006

Test Fit

Attached some parts to my leg, the only part that needs painting is the strut button, its still white and needs spraying silver to match the strut.

Just need the shoulder hubs now. Next job will be to finish the feet.

Oh and my battery box's arrived the other day Yippppeeeee

More pics to follow and I have now set up a website its still under construction but feel free to take a look.

Attaching the Booster Cover

I attached the booster cover by marking out the holes then attaching screw ready to fit on the leg.

Horseshoe - side view

Side view of finished horseshoe


Here is one of my finished Horseshoes, this was made up of layered PVC then filler was applied and sanded down to a smooth finish. It was then sprayed white with the inner silver.